Diapers minimum 25% off to 50% off @ Amazon india


Deal Price.:Rs.450
M.R.P.: Rs.900


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Product Description

All new parents worry tremendously about the manner in which they should care for their new born children. Pampers understands this and has designed these diaper pants with a magic gel which has the ability to absorb wetness for up to ten hours. Thanks to this technology, your baby can sleep undisturbed through the night, while the diaper works to keep the wetness and discomfort away. While regular changing is advisable, these pants can absorb up to around five wettings. Without proper cleaning or dryness however, your baby’s skin can become affected with rashes, mostly in and around the folds of the skin where bacterial infection can build up easily. The pants come with a baby lotion which also keeps your baby’s skin soft and supple, even against any possible friction.

The Pampers diapers are made with soft cotton, even on the outside making sure that your baby does not get hurt or scratch herself as she goes about crawling and discovering new spaces and activities. The cartoon picture on the front of the pants is an added attraction for the child, making sure she loves it as much as Pampers loves her. The pants are also easy to change, and you need not have to keep your child away from her activities as you change it for her.

Author: dhanush29

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